``Your Word gives me life`` (Psalm 119, 50) - this is the theme of the work of expanding The Center For Spiritual Formation in Krakow. It expresses the profound truth experienced by those who come here - To The House Of The Word. In this house, man has the opportunity to meet a living Word, experience a new quality of life, the foundation of which is God. The House Of The Word serves to revive love in man.


In recent years, we have experienced a growing need in CFD for prayer with The Word Of God and a retreat in silence. More and more people are willing to participate in weekend retreat and formation sessions.


However, due to insufficient infrastructural resources, this activity is significantly impeded, and in the long term, in the absence of infrastructure investments, will be limited. The main reason is the lack of space, unsatisfactory conditions of stay for guests – participants of the retreat.


There is lack of rooms, especially single rooms. Participants do not fit in the conference hall and often sit in the corridor. There are sessions for which at least 100 people more would be interested in if there were places in the hall and free rooms. Due to the lack of places, it is necessary to refuse several dozen people who would like to take part in a retreat at a given time. There is also a lack of adequate reception, lobby area and offices. That is why it is necessary to expand.


CFD activities will not be interrupted during construction. Our work will be continued as usual, without changes in the program.

Archbishop Grzegorz Ryś invites you to support the expansion of CFD in Krakow


Archbishop Grzegorz Ryś, repeatedly preached a retreat at the Spiritual Formation Center of the Salvatorians in Krakow. He sees the great potential and the need for the functioning of this retreat center. He vouches that the money spent to support the expansion will be very sensible for a very good purpose.


We want to build an object that will have three floors with a total usable area of 2717.3 m2. The building was designed on an ‘omega letter’ plan, in a symmetrical layout. In the second stage of expansion, it will be connected through glazed connectors with the house of St. Józef and the main house of CFD. The following rooms will be located in the new house:

• In the central point on the ground floor – the hall (through two floors) for 260 people with accompanying rooms, such as: room for books and phonic materials, oratory, reception with storage facilities. On the second and third floors, auditorium, a cafe, an archive and a common room were designed.

• In the left wing there will be rooms for participants of the retreat.

• In the right wing, there will be offices, technical rooms, guest rooms and rooms for persons directly responsible for the CFD operation. It will be an energy-efficient, quiet building with high acoustic insulation, it will also be adapted for people with disabilities.


The director of The Center For Spiritual Formation in Krakow, Father Krzysztof Wons SDS, is responsible for the entire undertaking.
Together with the CFD Team and engineers, experts, professionals who will carry out the construction project.

Father Piotr Stawarz SDS, who since July 2019 has rejoined the team
of Spiritual Formation Center in Krakow,
is responsible for the course of construction works.
For the past 13 years, father Piotr was the Director
of the Spiritual Formation Center in Trzebinia,
where he also gained experience in renovation and construction works,
organizing the equipment and adaptation of a new home
and supervising the renovation of the old part of the retreat house in Trzebinia.


We run many projects and activities. Here are some of them.

School of Seminary Educators

It prepares for work in seminary and religious formation. The only such school in Central and Eastern Europe.

Lectio Divina Retreat

An eight-day retreat in a climate of complete silence with individual spiritual direction for lay people, clergy and religious people.

Ignation Exercises

An eight-day retreat combined with spiritual discernment in the charism of saint Ignatius.

School Of Prayer With The Word Of God

Weekend sessions for everyone who wants to practice the prayer with The Word Of God every day.

Bible School

Weekend sessions and annual Bible Spirituality Days. The school teaches not only the intellectual learning of the Bible, but introduces us to explore its spiritual meaning and to pray with the biblical text.

School Lectio Divina

Prepares retreat-makers, spiritual managers, lay animators to conduct Lectio Divina retreats.

School Of Spiritual Direction

It takes up subjects in the field of anthropology and spirituality, helps participants to learn more deeply and understand themselves. It is a help for spiritual directors and permanent confessors.

School Of Faith

It is run jointly with CFD and Centro Alletti from Rome. It undertakes a dialogue between the theology of east and west. The formation program is devoted to the Creed Symbol and to life in the Holy Spirit and to deepen the sacramental life.

Spiritual School Of Father Jordan

It helps in learning about the legacy of Father Jordan, especially His Spiritual Diary and conference.

Workshops from Bibliodrama

Three-day workshops that aim to deepen the understanding of the Bible and religious experience based on the identification of participants with characters and biblical situations.

Spiritual Spring Of Church

The project of creating evangelization environments on the way of Lectio Divina, which outside of Poland includes Slovakia, Ukraine, Germany, Lithuania, England, Croatia and the USA.

New Quality Of Life

Movie series available on DVD which includes filmed biblical commentaries for all sundays of the liturgical year A, B and C. Films are used in families, in parishes, catecheses, in seminaries and religious communities, in biblical groups.

Library, Music Library and CFD Film Library

These are book publications, audio recordings of live sessions and retreats, and evangelization films that are a great help in disseminating the content of formation meetings at CFD.

Exercises Of Spiritual Formation

A formation and practical quarterly which serves as a material for holding formation meetings. (courses, retreats, recollections). It usually contains the record of the conferences conducted during the weekend sessions in CFD.

Groups Of Lectio Divina "Sychar"

In Cracow and other places inspired by CFD, groups of prayer with The Word Of God are formed and operated in the dynamics of lectio divina.

The Prayer Community Betania

At the CFD there is a Bethany community, which gathers people who support the apostolic works of CFD with prayer.


The patronage over the expansion took:

Abp Stanisław Gądecki

of The Polish Episcopal Conference

Metropolitan of Poznan

Abp Wojciech Polak

Primate Of Poland

Of The Polish Episcopate Conference Committee
For The Clergy

Metropolitan of Gniezno

Abp Marek Jędraszewski

of The Polish Episcopal Conference

Metropolitan of Krakow

Abp Grzegorz Ryś

Metropolitan of Lodz

card Sarah

card. Robert Sarah

Prefect of the Congregation
for Divine Worship
and the Discipline of the Sacraments

card. Gianfranco Ravasi

President Of The Pontifical Council For Culture

Abp Mieczysław Mokrzycki

Metropolitan of Lviv


Support our activities


We embrace the work of expanding the CFD with prayer. For all those who work for construction, for spiritual and material benefactors, the Holy Mass is celebrated on each first friday of the month. With special requests we ask the cloistered sisters and sick for prayer.

Every day for CFD I offer:


1. One decade of the holy rosary to The Mother Of The Word Of God.


2. Prayer to Saint Joseph:

Saint Joseph, faithful Protector, who was entrusted with the dearest, our treasure, Jesus, take into your protection and intercession the extension of The Salvatorian Spiritual Formation Center in Krakow and all those who work for it. Let the effort and its fruits be for the greater glory of God and for the benefit of our souls. Let the work of material development contribute to even greater spiritual development of all participants in CFD meetings. Amen


Stay tuned


St. Joseph volunteer group for the expansion of the House of the Word at the Spiritual Formation Center (CFD) in Cracow.

A community of volunteers has been formed for the purpose of expanding the House of the Word. It is a group of people that for years has been associated with CFD in Cracow through prayer, participation in retreats and active support of the center. The majority of the current volunteer team has been engaged in the expansion of CFD since the beginning of the project. The community was officially initiated with the celebration of the Holy Mass on May 11, 2020 at the rectoral church of Salvatorians at sw. Jacek street in Cracow. Volunteers are accompanied by Fr. Krzysztof Wons, director of CFD, who is taking care of the group and its activities.

The community is open to everyone who wants to volunteer his or her time and abilities. The current main task of the group is to support the House of the Word in raising funds for the expansion. In addition, its aim is to facilitate relationships between all those who in any way come into contact with the path and practice of lectio divina with CFD in Cracow.

Thanks be to God! On July 19, 2019, we received
a final decision at the Krakow City Hall –
permission to expand the House of the Word!
Thank you for your prayers, for every spiritual
and material support. It is a symbol
that we are united in building together
The House of the Word.

We will now take the next important steps:
choosing a contractor by tender,
setting deadlines and starting construction.
We will share with you the fruits of each of these stages.
We build together!
We are still asking for your support.

Good news for anyone interested in the expansion of the House of the Word! From May 14, 2019, we have an executive design in the following areas: architecture, construction, sanitary installations, electric-teletechnical and acoustic installations. It was prepared by the team of Mwm studio in Mielec. This is a detailed technical project based on a construction project – the final stage of the project documentation! We are still asking for prayer support, and who can – also material.

Dear Friends of the House of the Word!
On th 25th of February 2019, we submitted the documentation of the construction project to the City Hall in Krakow. Now we are waiting for a building permit! At the same time, other important preparatory works on land use and the implementation plan are underway. We ask you for prayer! Pass on our request to others. We count on your continued support.

The location of the new house

The new House of the Word will be situated behind the cross.

Location of the extension

The House of the Word will be integrated into the existing comlex.

The Park in the CFD

The Park at the Spiritual Formation Center will remain in all its glory.

Works of the design office

Mielec, 6 February 2019 – planning meeting.

Works of the design office

Mielec, 6 February 2019 – planning meeting.

Works of the design office

Mielec, 6 February 2019 – planning meeting.

Visualization of the CFD extension in Krakow

This is how the new home of the word building will look like, integrated into the current buildings of the Center For Spiritual Formation in Krakow.

Holy Mass – every first friday of the month

From december 7, 2018, every friday of the month, The Holy Mass is celebrated for all those who work on the construction site and for the donors.

Working meeting

On december 3, 2018, took place another working meeting of designers and engineers at The MSW Studio Design Office in Mielec.


If you have any questions regarding the expansion of CFD please use the contact form below.

    Our address:

    Towarzystwo Boskiego Zbawiciela
    Dom Zakonny
    Centrum Formacji Duchowej
    ul. św. Jacka 16, 30-364 Kraków


    tel.: +48 (12) 269 2397
    +48 (12) 254 6060
    kom.: +48 694 448 170




    Towarzystwo Boskiego Zbawiciela
    Dom Zakonny
    Centrum Formacji Duchowej
    ul. św. Jacka 16
    30-364 Kraków

    Nr rach.: 40 85910007 0020 0094 8780 0001



    Towarzystwo Boskiego Zbawiciela
    Dom Zakonny
    Centrum Formacji Duchowej
    ul. św. Jacka 16
    30-364 Kraków

    Nr IBAN.: PL 83 85910007 0020 0094 8780 0003




    Towarzystwo Boskiego Zbawiciela
    Dom Zakonny
    Centrum Formacji Duchowej
    ul. św. Jacka 16
    30-364 Kraków

    Nr IBAN: PL 56 85910007 0020 0094 8780 0004